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Liz De Beer

Liz De Beer

Klaywerk Studio

Medium: Ceramics
Location: Gibsons, BC
Member Since: 2018


Liz de Beer offers a unique vision through her work that fuses elements of Africa and the West Coast. Her footprints can be traced back to Africa where she grew up and mastered the fine art of pottery. As a potter Liz has always been intrigued by natural products and processes. Growing up in Africa she was surrounded by a rich resource of wonderful design elements in nature from which she draws inspiration. Her dad used to pick up porcupine quills in the fields on the farm and would then turn them into actual writing instruments. The use of quills on her pots provides a functional design element and also brings back memories of Africa that are very close to her. Liz is the Studio Manager of the Parkgate Pottery studio in North Vancouver, Canada. This studio came into being in September 1999 and has been developed under her guidance into one of the best community studios available in Vancouver. “My passion for pottery has no limit, so when I am not at the community studio you will find me potting at Klaywerk Studio.


My passion for the medium of clay and my love for the process is evident in the work that I produce. Opening up the kiln door to discover the magic that took place through firing remains one of the most rewarding experiences anyone can have.

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