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Wendy McKim Murphy

Wendy McKim Murphy

Medium: Paper
Location: Vancouver, BC
Member Since: 2005


My work begins with an armature of wire, often on a framed wood panel. Newspaper and paper pulp are my basic materials for building the form with other papers sometimes added to the surface. Most pieces are finished with acrylic paints and varnish. Care - like all art, please keep out of direct sunlight. Most pieces can be dusted with a soft dry paintbrush.


I grew up near the North Shore mountains in Vancouver, British Columbia. Then, dogs, cats, children roamed the streets, parks, and beaches unleashed and largely unchaperoned. People and animals were personalities of equal importance in our child world. I draw on these memories of my fellow travellers and on constant observation when I try to portray the soul or character of my subjects in papier mache. I am intrigued by the mysterious relationship we have with animals. The mystery being that while they are our closest kin in this universe, we can only imagine what they are thinking and feeling. I studied fine arts at Concordia, U.B.C., and Emily Carr College of Art and have been working in papier mache since 1990. I take commissions for any subject, specializing in animals and portraits of pets.

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