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Jeff Burnette

Jeff Burnette

Inner Sanctum Glassworks

Medium: Glass
Location: Vancouver, BC
Member Since: 1991


Growing up Just South of Detroit Jeff was inundated with pulp fiction, B Movies, and some of the cheesiest sci-fi thrillers ever seen on this planet……not to mention the Motown Beat.. Music and Machines were everywhere and kids could still play with guns…….. Seeing a film in High School about glass and Glass Blowing got the fuse lit…… Then 1979 Started as an apprentice in Calgary AB.blowing flat out production. 1984 found Jeff at Sheridan College direct entry 2nd yr Glass program studio design. 1989 to 1992 Vancouver Lead Hand at R Held 2 sessions at Pilchuck 89 Dante Marioni and Dan Dailey 1992 Rudy Gretch and Lino Tagliapietra Numerous workshops with Richard Marquis Flora Mace Joey Kirkpatrick Richard Royal Billy Morris 2000 finds the opening of Joe Blow Glassworks Where Jeff does numerous commissions including the Hartford Insurance Job 350. Corporate awards Ki Restaurant Toronto Job 500 piece Wall Ike Barber Learning Centre Job 300 piece wall Private commissions Pam Melroy NASA Astronaut ,Jeff Bezos Amazon, Mark Parker Nike 2010 With a 210/130 BP Jeff decides to scale down opening Inner Sanctum Glass works in East Van. Working on one of a kind custom commission work , still making lots of Gunz, and pretty well making fun stuff!! Jeff is the last person you want to talk to or the last person your going to talk to when everyone else cant do it…..


First thing I saw as a kid was a marble,,,, and was always wondering how they got that color in there????? Ever since its always been an adventure trying to stretch the limits. if somebody likes it then that’s a bonus Glass is a constant challenge with lots of broken pieces but if you get it right then your always rewarded.

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