Medium: Wood
Location: Coombs, BC
Member Since: 1997
From a young age, Ed Brown was influenced by carvers and artisans who worked with various types of woods. Carving was even in his blood: though he didn’t realize it at the time, his own grandfather was also a carver. It came as no surprise to him, then, when he began carving three-dimensional animals at the age of 14.
Fishing was also an early interest for Ed; some of his earliest childhood memories include fishing and hunting with his grandfather. As an adult, Ed worked in commercial fishing and diving. He also maintained a salt water aquarium which he and friends liked to add to with new specimens as they were caught.
Adding travel to his two passions, Ed fished and carved in such exotic locales as Mexico, Belize, Costa Rica and the Queen Charlotte Islands. Preferring jungle creatures, fish and whales as subject matter in the 1970s and 80s, today Ed keeps his focus on lifelike representations of his favourite fish species.
“I have continued carving large-scale fish pieces while experimenting with size, style and finish. My carvings are one-of-a-kind signed pieces that reflect my passion for the lines and forms within nature.”