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VEDRO Creative

VEDRO Creative

Vedrana Serdarevic

Medium: Jewelry
Location: Vancouver, BC
Member Since: 2022


VEDRO Creative was born out of love for the expression of jewellery, and necessity for a deep emotional and spiritual healing. Having background in fine arts and graphic design, this process feels like a natural extension of my work. It challenges me to discover fresh design solutions with all beautiful limitations that this medium imposes. I design clean, symmetrical shapes, often arranged in compositions with hints of asymmetry that gives the final piece unexpected intrigue and complexity. Each final pattern expresses metaphysical concept and contains transformational message. My jewellery expression is influenced by graphic arts, and incorporates typography and illustration. I use silver and occasionally copper as a choice of my precious metal.


My visual language is an amalgamation of different art movements, nature itself and newly explored shapes within.

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